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This page is born from the desire to involve our supporting friends on the expenses made, on the volunteering and on the loans received.

Here you can find the “real costs” of the first station of Vitart_Parcours and all the sponsors. As you know we have not found enough funding, but… we have a dream that is called beauty, art, nature, play, liveliness, aggregation, well-being… so we “rolled up” our sleeves for the cleaning of the forest and the construction of platforms relax, Green Point, compensating the costs of local labor with volunteering, as the Aranno LandArt Association, with the funds raised to date, would not have been able to afford the usual forestry rates (Chf 85 CHF / h) and gardeners (CHF 50 .- / h).

For fairness of purpose, however, we are pleased to quantify “in spans” the intervention of five volunteers (Viktoria and Germano Canello, Mya Lurgo, Giovanni Milesi and Davide Previtali) for a total to date 11.9.2020 of 215 hours, giving a pro value form, never remunerated of 25.- Chf / h (cleaning staff) equal to Chf 5’375 … and we are not finished yet! Here are some pictures of our volunteers at work:

While trying to stimulate the Swiss economy, we also had to proceed with purchases across the border to reduce costs, giving up collaboration with local artisans, for example, in the creation of picnic tables for creative workshops.

The ERSL’s “non-repayable” budget of a maximum of Chf 3’000.- to reimburse expenses for the works of Land Art will be donated by the artist Mya Lurgo to the Aranno Land Art Association. We hope to receive new (economic) lifeblood to implement the works on Stage II and finance new works of Land Art by national and non-national artists! The CALL to search for artists is online. #crediciconnoi Vitart_Parcours is for you!


Heartfelt thanks for every little donation
• Associazione Aranno LandArt
• 18367241.2001
• CH3900764183672412001


In alphabetical order our supporters:
• Balmelli Sport:
• Comune di Aranno:
• Eco-optimum:
• ERSL Ente Regionale per lo sviluppo del luganese:
• Nellimya Arthouse:
• The Office – Lugano:
• Sostenitori privati